Oracle Human Resource Management adalah solusi berbasis cloud yang mendukung fungsi SDM suatu organisasi. Fitur utama meliputi SDM, penggajian, SDM layanan mandiri, manajemen kinerja, i-Recruitment, waktu dan tenaga kerja, manajemen pembelajaran, manajemen tunjangan dan intelejensi SDM.
1. Describe some of the employment practices
2. Recognize that Oracle HRMS meets the legal and statutory organization requirements in the countries you operate
3. Recognize the organizational structures in Oracle HRMS
4. Describe the recruitment and hiring processes
5. Identify talent management features such as competencies, skills, and suitability matching
6. Recognize the workforce relationship in Oracle HRMS
7. Describe the basic process of compensation and benefits management
1. Supervisor
2. Officer
1. Oracle HRMS Overview
2. Oracle HRMS: Unifying Business Processes and Solutions:
a. Payroll
b. Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management
c. Compensation and Benefits
d. Human Resources Information Systems
e. Time and Labor
f. Enterprise and Workforce Management